Wholly H2O offers educational activities that inspire environmental stewardship by forging personal connections with local watersheds.
Our educational programs are tailored to enliven curiosity, knowledge, and yes, even stewardship for California watersheds. We engage people directly in community science, watershed tours, and art. These full-bodied activities grow connections to watersheds that influence peoples’ choices and outcomes.
What is a WaterHood?
When considering watersheds, many think solely of how water moves through a geography, specifically a drainage basin, as in the picture above. Water is captured between highpoints and falls down over the surface creating creeks and rivers, or through the ground as groundwater. But there’s so much more to what makes a watershed functional and thriving (or not). Flora (plants) and fauna (animals) that live there hugely impacts how the . It is not solely water + land but water + land + living ecosystem. More casually, we’re calling them watershed neighborhoods.

Watershed + Neighborhood = WATERHOOD

Wholly H2O encourages California residents to become engaged members of their waterhoods and active stewards of watershed ecosystems. We foster responsible, community-minded watershed management by nurturing the connections people make with their local watersheds both intellectually and emotionally. To know it is to love it. Our educational programs strive to make watershed conservation accessible and fun for all ages.